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Sunday, 10 May 2020
Passage: Acts 9:1-22
Duration: 26 mins 12 secs
Principles evidenced by the early church included the validity of Jesus where ten of His disciples went to their death for Him. The message of Jesus resonated with people. At the time, many people were slaves but Paul says there no more slaves, all are one in Christ Jesus. We have new identities in Christ and are new creations. Do you have a new identity in Christ?
Sunday, 03 May 2020
Passage: Acts 1:1-9
Duration: 21 mins 7 secs
Christianity is not religious, moral or philosophical advice, but good news as witnessed Jesus' disciples. The apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit as are we. They were uneducated, ordinary men but they spoke with authority and confidence, because they had been with Jesus. You don't need an education to tell others about what you have experienced with Jesus in your life. We can witness to others through the power of the Holy Spirit in order further God's kingdom.
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Passage: John 20:24-31
Duration: 22 mins 44 secs
In this passage we see the doubts of Thomas expressed, which Jesus is not perturbed by. We can learn from Thomas' story as he makes one of clearest and boldest statements of faith - he overcomes his doubts and believes. Jesus wants us to move from doubt to faith. Whatever stumbling block is in our way, Jesus has conquered it. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Duration: 22 mins 19 secs
Three ways to walk in peace: 1. Relationally, which starts at home; 2. Spiritually, by spending time in the Word and with God and by being a people of peace showing gentleness and self control towards others, and 3. Generously. This chapter in Philippians is an encouragement for us to be generous in the way we live our life, generous with our time, generous with our kindness and love. Being generous also helps the giver.
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Passage: John 18:1-14
Duration: 21 mins 44 secs
The world knows with the COVID-19 pandemic that we are living in unprecedented times. Jesus on earth knew the events about to unfold were unprecedented times. In this passage, Jesus is arrested and we see the rebellion against the will of God in trying to save an earthly kingdom. God was in control back then and is in control of all that is happening around us today. Trust yourself to Him.
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Passage: John 17:1-26
Duration: 34 mins 59 secs
The last words of Jesus to His disciples in the upper room are words of a prayer. In this prayer, He prays for God to be glorified through His finished work, that the disciples would know His protection and His sanctifying work in their lives and that all Christians would have a unity in this world that is a reflection of the unity that He has with God.
Sunday, 08 March 2020
Duration: 22 mins 49 secs
As Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for His departure, He promises them that He will not leave them alone but send them a helper, the Holy Spirit. In this passage, we see how the Spirit is; our advocate, is truth, will testify about Jesus, guides us, speaks the words of Jesus and glorifies God. How well do we know the Spirit that Jesus has given to us?
Sunday, 01 March 2020
Passage: John 15:1-17
Duration: 28 mins 31 secs
In this passage, we get to see three ways in which Jesus wants us to grow. UP - Remaining in Him, In - As we grow in our love for one another and OUT - Bearing fruit in our lives that is in partnership with Jesus' business.
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Passage: John 14:1-14
Duration: 33 mins 9 secs
As we start a new series we will be looking at the second half of the Gospel of John. In this section today we see that Jesus is the answer in times of trouble. Why should our hearts be troubled if we know the Creator of the universe? Jesus is the way to the Father and it is only through Him that we can truly know God.
Sunday, 09 February 2020
Duration: 36 mins 18 secs
Jesus told the religious leaders and the listening crowds what the leaders were really like. They sat in the seat of Moses, enjoying prestige and privilege, while condemning people to hell through their hypocrisy and arrogance. He blamed them for the lost and misguided people of Israel, and laid the blood of the prophets squarely at their feet. Jesus wants us to bless others through demonstrating His love, grace, forgiveness and freedom. We need to live through God's Holy Spirit, carry the gospel, build His church and be a living sacrifice pleasing to our victorious Lord.