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Sunday, 19 July 2020
Series: Haggai
Duration: 20 mins 33 secs
Zerubbabel is a governor of Judah, a humble servant of God, leading a struggling remnant. In the line of David, it must have been hard for this royal to see His people suffering, his city a ruin, his temple only a shadow of its former glory. God is sovereign over the surrounding nations and He will care for His people. Israel still had to wait many centuries for the Messiah but God always brings about His purposes. He is always moving towards salvation, always wants us to come to Him. Zerubbabel was one humble player in God's salvation plan for His people. We can become enslaved in our own pleasures and entangled in worldly wisdom, yet God saves us through His grace and mercy, not any goodness we may think we have. Look and see what God has done. Look ahead and trust in God for what He will do in the future of your life.
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Passage: Haggai 2:1-23
Series: Haggai
Duration: 24 mins 20 secs
Zerubbabel is described as God's signet ring, a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. God's promises are an anchor. Every one will be fulfilled. The question is not will God keep His promises, but will we rely on them? Some people are living in fear, loneliness or despair - particularly those isolated because of COVID-19. God's promises are very great, precious, the finest jewels in the universe (2 Peter 1:4). Is your anchor the circumstances of your life, another person or your savings, or is it in God? When the storm comes, will your anchor hold?
Sunday, 05 July 2020
Series: Haggai
Duration: 20 mins 51 secs
A healthy person cannot pass on their health to another, but germs can be passed on to others. In the same way, we cannot impart holiness to another but we can transmit sin and spread it, just like a sickness or virus. When the people in Haggai's time built for themselves and ignored the rebuilding of God's house, God withheld blessings and prosperity. When the people repented and turned away from living for themselves and aligned themselves with God's purpose, God blessed them. We need to remember that we serve Jesus, not to be saved, but because we are saved.
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Passage: Haggai 2:1-9
Series: Haggai
Duration: 27 mins 52 secs
In this passage, God speaks to Haggai to remind the people of God's presence, faithfulness, promise and provision for them and that the people be strong and work in rebuilding the temple. If you feel timid, shying away from boldly proclaiming the gospel, you have company. But God says to be strong, be courageous, and remember God promises to be with us, to be faithful and to provide for us.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Passage: Haggai 1:1-15
Series: Haggai
Duration: 31 mins 36 secs
The people of God had not seen the rebuilding of the temple as a priority. We displease the Lord and disgrace His name when we do not put His kingdom first. We have God's Word and we have His promises in our lives. His word will accomplish His purpose. Do we believe it and live it? How much of our resources go towards building our kingdom rather than God's kingdom? Often, we don't say no to God, we just say later. Too often we question, when we should simply obey. We need to ensure that we are seeking God first for His direction in our lives.
Sunday, 14 June 2020
Series: Haggai
Duration: 35 mins 59 secs
The Jewish people, returning from being exiled in Persia, do not have God's blessing because they are busy in their panelled houses and have left God's temple only partly rebuilt. The new temple does not have the wealth and majesty of Solomon's temple, yet God will be there. The people's obedience in rebuilding the temple brings God's blessing and He will show His glory there. Zerubbabel, the Governor, who is in the line of David, is chosen by God to be His signet ring, His ambassador to the people.
Sunday, 07 June 2020
Passage: Acts 1:1-26
Duration: 29 mins 7 secs
The story of the Gospel of going to the ends of the earth is one that is full of people who ventured into unchartered territory. We all set boundaries and put limits on ourselves - and yet, we all have the capacity to step out of our own self-imposed comfort zones. The ends of the earth are less about geography in our 21st century globalised world. The different ways that we might consider going to the ends of the earth in our mission to take the Gospel of Jesus to places that haven’t heard about it could include, across the street, across the cultural divide, across the table, across the hard places or across the globe. Where are your ends of the earth?
Sunday, 31 May 2020
Duration: 22 mins 1 sec
In order to communicate to others, we have to connect with them. We do this by looking, listening and connecting things in a way they will understand. If we are going to share the Good News of Jesus anywhere and with anyone, we may have to face the challenge of crossing the cultural divide. To do this it may mean understanding the culture, going to them, be willing to walk away from what everyone else thinks matters or talk about Jesus and the Gospel “as you go”.
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Passage: Hebrews 4:12
Duration: 27 mins 21 secs
All forms of translation are challenging tasks and there is a requirement to move beyond simply the transfer of information. Translation is about the transfer of meaning and understanding, not just words and phrases. We can be thankful to the many people who have made the effort to translate the Bible into many languages so that it is available to read for all. The Bible, in and of itself, has the power to transform individuals, communities and countries. As Christians today we need to have faith in the transformative power of the Bible and make it a priority to read it daily.
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Passage: Acts 5:40-42
Duration: 29 mins 30 secs
Why did the apostles keep on rejoicing and preaching? They persevered because they remembered three things: 1. What Jesus taught, 2. The values Jesus lived, and 3. How Jesus won their freedom. When we find ourselves faced with opposition and challenge because of the Gospel, we actually find ourselves with the opportunity to develop something crucial… faith. Is there someone or somewhere that you need to take the message of Jesus - despite the opposition that might face you?