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Sunday, 16 May 2021
Duration: 36 mins 34 secs
Where are we at in our commitment to Christ? Adam & Eve gave in quickly to temptation in the Garden of Eden. Jesus struggled in the Garden of Gethsemane but totally committed Himself to God. Jesus did not demand His rights as God. He did it voluntarily and chose the path of pain because He loved us. We are a new creation, God's children, saints redeemed and forgiven. Our church has been bought with a price. Get rid of anything else on the throne of your heart and don't be double-minded. Seek the Lord our God and follow Him!
Sunday, 02 May 2021
Passage: 1 John 1:8-9
Duration: 36 mins 23 secs
We need to recognise and acknowledge the sin within us, the power of confession, forgiving others and receiving forgiveness ourselves. Jesus came to set us free. Forgiveness is a powerful tool, essential to coming into inner healing and holiness. Some people abandon it as impossible but they forget the greatness of God. Forgiveness brings healing to ourselves. We need to confess our sin and be honest before God. When we confess, God will forgive.
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Duration: 26 mins 22 secs
We need to identify and recognise wounds that make us build up walls and become defensive, fear rejection or become people pleasers. Wounds can be the result of broken relationships or sinful actions that can lead to fear, anxiety, depression or overwhelming grief. Jesus can heal us and make us whole and honesty is the beginning of that healing. Believe God's Word as truth because He has plans and purposes for us.
Sunday, 18 April 2021
Passage: Galatians 5:1
Duration: 26 mins 22 secs
What keeps us bound and restricted to receive the freedom of living in the will of God? Bondage is a lack of freedom in not being able to do what we want or need to do. Sin builds bondage and gives Satan the ability to restrain us. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Jesus came to offer freedom. The Jews were in bondage to Rome and Jesus came to bring freedom in the midst of that. Freedom in Christ enables us to live as who we truly are.
Sunday, 11 April 2021
Duration: 20 mins 32 secs
Hope is a confident assurance in the unseen, despite what we do see. Just like the Corinthians, we live in uncertain times, with the last year and a half full of the unexpected and unprecedented. It can be tempting to allow our ultimate hope to be substituted for the lesser things that the world has to offer, rather than being based on Jesus’ death and resurrection and on the promises of God. When we remind ourselves of these things we are better able to encourage and share where true hope may be found with others.
Sunday, 28 March 2021
Passage: Mark 13:28-37
Duration: 31 mins 3 secs
The devastation in the world can be discouraging but God's word never passes away. Look in faith to Jesus as His promises are always true. Jesus never leaves us and we can not be separated from God's love. The gospel has not yet been preached to all nations. Jesus is at the door so be on your guard and be alert - we don't know when Jesus' return will come. We are the servants left in charge with assigned tasks. Don't be sleeping. Am I ready for Jesus' return?
Sunday, 21 March 2021
Passage: Mark 12:1-12
Duration: 22 mins 54 secs
Jesus is saying in this parable that He is the new covenant, the stone the builders rejected. There is condemnation for those who reject Jesus. God's amazing love is on display, His mercy & grace. He is generous with His gospel and is patiently waiting for us to respond to His offer of salvation. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, fully knowing that He would be crucified. We are reminded that we are like the Pharisees when we build our own kingdom and don't bring in God's harvest. We must accept God's cornerstone with Jesus as Lord in our lives and live for His harvest. We live for Him and His purpose.
Sunday, 14 March 2021
Passage: Mark 4:30-34
Duration: 25 mins 39 secs
The parable of the mustard seed is about the advancement of God kingdom in unexpected ways. God's kingdom is inauspicious - it grows from small things that don't seem to be successful and don't necessarily appear to amount to much. Jesus had to correct people's misunderstandings about God. The kingdom belongs to children, to servants. It's not about authority. Find times to be alone with Jesus. Studying His word will grow the kingdom and by reaching out to people to come and learn of God. As we draw closer to Jesus, we invite others to draw closer to Him.
Sunday, 07 March 2021
Passage: Mark 4:26-29
Duration: 21 mins 41 secs
A man scatters seed - not a spectacular image. We mostly live ordinary lives as we go through our routine, and try to look for opportunities to share our faith. At the end of the day, we ask ourselves if we have lived for God. We may not feel like there are signs of fruit in our lives but God is working and growing our faith and our witness. The man scattering seed is His messenger. We are His messengers and our job is to be faithful in scattering seed. Sometimes the ground seems hard, the work seems small and we are tired. Thank God that His work continues and He never tires.
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Passage: Mark 4:21-25
Duration: 20 mins 18 secs
The first Bible that people read is us. The word of God overflows out of our lives to produce further crop in people's lives - disciples making disciples. We need to be lamps and be the light of the world and not conceal the light of the gospel. The lamp needs oil to shine and it can't give out until it takes in. Jesus reminds us to consider carefully what we hear, and use what we have. A follower of Jesus is a lamp for God to be used by Him.