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Sunday, 25 July 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 27 mins 58 secs
The faith, hope and love of the Colossians was known and spoken of by the people and areas around them in Asia Minor. Their love for God's people springs from the hope laid up for them in heaven. Their personal experience of hope wells up in them and all Christians. God is in control and has made our eternity sure. Faith, hope and love are fruits of the Spirit and the gospel. What do you hold onto on this earth? The new fruit is compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, all bound with love in unity. Find your hope placed in God and allow Him to grow these fruits in your life.
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Passage: Colossians
Series: Colossians
Duration: 31 mins 53 secs
The city of Colossae was 160 km inland from Ephesus and the Church at Colossae grew from the Church in Ephesus. The letter to the Colossians was written around 62 AD. Paul was at Ephesus for 2 years, where all the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. Paul, now in Rome as a prisoner, writes letters to churches and 2 personal letters to Philemon & Timothy. Epaphras & Philemon were from Colossae with Epaphras having a broad ministry in the region. Epaphras visits Paul and seeks his advice on new ideas coming into the church and establishing the truth of the gospel. Jesus + Nothing = Everything.
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Passage: Romans 1:8-15
Duration: 36 mins 18 secs
Partnership - the way we connect with each other. The early church lived in true community but fractures appear as the church grows and spreads. Many of our New Testament letters are written to instruct believers on conflict, conduct and reconciliation. God brings us into relationship with Himself and the church. We are partners in God's work, coming together to discern and fulfil His will. Some partnerships are lifelong, some are for a season. God's gracious invitation to fellowship with Him is the start of our partnership. God wants us to mutually encourage, support and care for each other. Who are you in partnership with for the sake of the gospel?
Sunday, 04 July 2021
Passage: John 3:16
Duration: 20 mins 23 secs
People usually come to faith through authentic relationships with others. We bring love, hope and grace into our communities, but firstly, we need to be captivated by the truth of God's love. God gives us courage to join His mission for the world. We are God's hands and feet. Jesus became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. The God of the universe broke into human history. Jesus visited towns, built relationships and invested in people's lives. This is a model for our mission work - being a loving neighbour. God calls us to connect with our neighbours wherever we are. Who is God calling you to reach out to, to be His hands and feet and show His love to?
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Passage: Acts 15:1-21
Duration: 21 mins 23 secs
In this passage, tension is evident as legalistic Jews wanted to hold on to the Mosaic Law as well as have grace. Do new Gentile Christians come under OT law? Do they need to become Jews as well as Christians? We must not lose sight of the truth of the gospel. Contextualisation is taking the gospel and helping people make sense of it and understand it in their culture and society, their community and location. Jesus' commission was to take the gospel to the ends of the world. The gospel changed location and culture but the message remained the same. How can we make it easy for our neighbours, family and friends to know the truth of God's word?
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Duration: 24 mins 25 secs
Prayer is often thought of as formal, serious and academic, but Paul says, "Pray without ceasing". Depression, trauma or loneliness may cause us to lose hope. God is no less present in those moments. Prayer walks us through seasons of pain, sorrow, joy. Prayer is not part of the Christian life, it is the Christian life. Listen to God whisper into your heart and lift your eyes and hearts to God in moments of joy and sorrow.
Sunday, 13 June 2021
by John
Duration: 27 mins 36 secs
God is at work in the world and we are merely his containers, jars of clay. We have Christ's victory of resurrection in us yet we ourselves are weak. Grace is reaching more and more people and is present and continuous. God continues to be with us no matter what happens, even if we rage against Him. When we trust in Jesus, we are welcomed in His forever family. God offers everyone His grace. His grace disregards the status symbols of every society and declares that every single person is created in God's image and is the object of God's love.
Sunday, 06 June 2021
Passage: Mark 2:1-12
Duration: 24 mins 52 secs
As Christians, we have an obligation to get people to Jesus. The four men brought their paralysed friend to Jesus because they knew his need. They removed the barriers because whilst they couldn't get through the door, they saw the opportunity to go through the roof instead. We need to seek ways to break down barriers and bring the gospel to people that make sense culturally and socially. The church should think about ripping off roofs and breaking down barriers. Too often, we as the church build barriers that hinder people from hearing the gospel.
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Passage: Acts 1:8-14
Duration: 31 mins 2 secs
The Holy Spirit is a person, one of the Godhead, living in communion with the Father and the Son. God wants us to live in communion with Him and community with each other.  The Godhead is not hierarchical but the three are equal and work in harmony. God's purpose is that we desire to listen to Him. The Holy Spirit transforms us and lifts us above our earthly problems.
Sunday, 23 May 2021
Duration: 32 mins 46 secs
Spiritual warfare is recognising and standing against Satan's attacks. Jesus came to set us free from the captivity of sin. Bondage and condemnation go against His nature and everyone He encountered He freed. Spiritual warfare is about freedom. We need to stand up against this warfare and sometimes we need to fight. Spiritual warfare is not optional. The reason the Son of God came was to destroy Satan's work. Spiritual warfare also refines us, tests us and glorifies Jesus which glorifies the Father.