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Sunday, 06 February 2022
Duration: 32 mins 9 secs
From the high and holy experience of the blessing at the Jordan, Jesus was led into the wilderness for testing. Jesus was not tempted so that the Father could learn anything about His Son, for the Father had already given Jesus His divine approval. Jesus was tempted so that every creature in heaven, on earth, and under the earth might know that Jesus Christ is the Conqueror. He exposed Satan and his tactics, and He defeated Satan. Because of His victory, we can have victory over the tempter.
Sunday, 30 January 2022
Duration: 32 mins 57 secs
Some thirty years have passed between chapters 2 and 3 of Matthew, during which Jesus lived in Nazareth and worked as a carpenter (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3). But the time had come for Him to begin His public ministry, which would culminate at the cross. Was He still qualified to be King? Had anything taken place that would disqualify Him? In this passage we see how John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit and the Father attest to the person of Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 19 December 2021
Passage: Luke 1:57-80
Duration: 26 mins 53 secs
Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous, in the line of Aaron. Zechariah's doubt resulted in him being unable to speak for the length of Elizabeth's pregnancy, but the silence is not wasted. Zechariah grows in his relationship with God and God reveals to Zechariah a picture of salvation, what He is doing in this world. There is only one way to be right with God and that is to experience forgiveness in our lives through God's Son. Jesus was to shine a light on those living in darkness and show the path of peace. This is also our mission.
Sunday, 12 December 2021
Passage: Luke 1:39-56
Duration: 22 mins 47 secs
In verse 38, we see that Mary was obedient to God. Jesus himself was obedient to God, which is why we meet together today. The course of Mary's life was changed by God. She would have faced hard circumstances but she trusts the Word of God and is joyful that He is using her to bring the Saviour into the world. When we follow God, His plans will bring joy when we are obedient to Him.
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Passage: Ezra 10:1-17
Series: Ezra
Duration: 30 mins 23 secs
Ezra demonstrates humility and the people follow suit. The large crowd that gathers are convicted of their sin, also mourning and weeping bitterly. Ezra waited on God and continued to pray, fast and mourn for the people. The people obey and, trusting themselves to God, they gather distressed before God. The mixed marriages have to be dissolved, the faithful must separate themselves from the people around them. True confession involves genuine regret and takes personal responsibility. God is holy and righteous.
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Passage: Ezra 7:1-28
Series: Ezra
Duration: 26 mins 13 secs
Ezra has been in Babylon but has now come to Jerusalem. The Temple is built, but the worship seems ritualistic and not from the heart. Is our experience of faith just routine or a deep and growing relationship with God? Ezra is devoted to the Law but also devoted to God. The Pharisees were devoted to the Law but not God. What makes up our lives? Are we consumed by God's Word?
Sunday, 07 November 2021
Passage: Ezra 6:1-1:18
Series: Ezra
Duration: 32 mins 36 secs
The Jews got back to work on the temple after 16 years stoppage due to opposition. Tattenai's letter is full of suspicion, a blockage of red tape. Our lives, relationships or work may have frustration and disappointment. Doing God's will can be hard, not easy. We'll never know how God's plan fits together this side of glory but we get glimpses of it in our lives. It's natural for us to see the worst, the impossible, the obstacles, but we need to look beyond to see God's work in all situations.
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Passage: Ezra 5:1-17
Series: Ezra
Duration: 36 mins 50 secs
The altar has been rebuilt but work had stopped for 16 years by the beginning of this chapter in Ezra. We are told God spoke to Cyrus, but not that God spoke to the Jews. God often prompts us step by step, through His word, other people and circumstances. When the prophets speak, it is God speaking. God often sent them when things were not going well, for warning the people and encouraging them. It was through the prophet Haggai that the people heard and obeyed the voice of God and began to work again on the temple. The Jews are building under God's leading and direction. We are servants of the God of heaven and earth and we must hear, obey and trust in Him.
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Passage: Ezra 4:1-5
Series: Ezra
Duration: 31 mins 53 secs
We will face opposition in the world when we follow Jesus. In this passage we see the restoration in the lives of God's people continue, despite opposition. God is still growing His people. Enemies of Judah and Benjamin pretend to support the building of the temple. They claim to seek "your" God, not their own God. Zerubbabel and the other leaders recognise the falseness behind their proposal. The enemies show their true colours by persistent and ongoing opposition. Our journey of restoration by God is our sanctification and there will be opposition. The more growth we experience, the more likely there will be opposition. We are the church and we build the church.
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Series: Ezra
Duration: 40 mins 53 secs
Forty to fifty thousand people made the 4 month journey of 1,450 kms from Babylon to Jerusalem. Their Babylonian neighbours gave them provisions, goods and livestock and precious gold, silver and gifts. Thankful for their journey and God's provision, the people now give a freewill faith offering to God from their wealth and according to their ability. We are called to invest in God's work freely and willingly according to our means.