

Feb 2014 - Apr 2014
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 09 February 2014
Passage: Mark 2:1-3:12
Series: Mark
Duration: 39 mins 11 secs
Jesus looked up and saw the faith of the men who had brought the paralytic man to Him. We need to show this same sought of faith in bringing others to know Jesus. Jesus looked down and brought forgiveness of sins to the paralytic man. We need to come to Jesus, repent and believe, to have true forgiveness of our sins. Jesus looked around and saw the religious leaders. He looked within them and knew their inner most thoughts. Jesus knows everything about us. Jesus is the great healer. He came to bring people back into fulfillment, release them from their sin and to make them free. Jesus can't heal those people who either do not want to know Him, know Him but don't want to trust Him or don't think they need Him. Let us not miss the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and what He has to offer - forgiveness, fulfillment and freedom.
Sunday, 02 February 2014
Passage: Mark 1:1-45
Series: Mark
Duration: 37 mins 23 secs
The gospel of Mark is one of activity and action and it is about what Jesus did rather than what He said. In this chapter we discover the identity of Jesus, His authority and His compassion in the miracles He performed. Jesus is shown to be a servant, and as Christians, this is the calling that has been placed on our lives. We need to show compassion in serving others, but also allow others to serve us when needed. The challenge for us is shown in the healing of the man with leprosy. Jesus commanded him not to tell anyone what had happened to him, but the man disobeys and tells everyone about Jesus. Today we have a different command. Jesus says go and tell everyone, but we don't tell anyone. If we are to follow Jesus we are to live like Him and be like Him, and by our actions and word, tells other the good news about Jesus Christ.