Sunday, 07 June 2015

Who is my Neighbour?

Paul describes himself, when he was Saul, as a Hebrew of Hebrews - he had all the right qualities of being a great Jewish leader including being a Roman citizen. He saw persecuting Christians as upholding the law of God. Saul's view of God's Kingdom was very narrow, limited to the nation of Israel. He was ignorant in his unbelief, but Jesus elected to save him. Because of the persecutions of the Christians, many were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Philip is an example of one of those who took the opportunity to spread the gospel and good news of Jesus to the people of Samaria - a natural enemy of Israel. Where is God leading you to reach out to those in our society that don't quite fit in? Who are the people in our life that need to know about the gospel and love of Jesus?
Duration:26 mins 50 secs