Role: Pastor |
Hi my name is Phil Irvine and I’m the Pastor at Emu Plains Community Baptist Church. My family and I moved all the way from the Blue Mountains and to live in the community here in Emu Plains. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” Sometimes we find that our lives are so full with things to do, but we don’t seem to be fulfilled. I enjoy running, spending time with my family, playing Xbox and a good coffee. But what fills my life is Jesus. If you are wanting your life full, the best it can be, why not check out Jesus and take him up on this promise?
Sunday, 02 August 2015
Food has such a social impact in our lives when we gather together with friends and family. When the early Christians met for the Lord's Supper they shared a meal together, which was known as a 'love feast'. In this passage, the 'love feast' that the Corinthians were sharing in was turning out to be more like an 'abusive feast', doing more harm than good. There was division and selfishness forming between groups instead of fellowship with the whole church. Paul reminds the Corinthians not to come to the Lord's Supper with unprepared hearts. What do we need to do in preparation of participating in the Lord's Supper? We need to look back at what Jesus has done for us, we need to look ahead in anticipation of Christ's return, we need to look within and judge our own sin and confess this to God and we need to look around at other Christians and see body of Christ. The Lord's Supper should be a celebration of the unity of the church. Are you prepared?
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Duration: 28 mins 40 secs
Ministry draws people closer together which has been evident for Paul as he concludes his 3 year ministry in Ephesus. Paul shares with the Ephesian elders his own Christian journey and how he has followed Christ's leading. He warns the elders of the dangers that will come from around them and from amongst them when he leaves them. In our own Christian journey we need to make sure that we are spending time in God's word and in prayer on a daily basis so that we will not stray from God's direction in our life. We need to be prepared to share the gospel as opportunities arise.
Sunday, 05 July 2015
Duration: 30 mins 46 secs
The gospel is not just the answer for our own sin and broken relationship with God, but it is the answer for everyone's sin and their own broken relationship and fellowship with God. As Paul enters Corinth he is determined not to be discouraged in presenting the gospel and he surrounds himself with people who are willing to support and encourage him in his ministry. How can we avoid giving up serving God? We need to surround ourselves with kingdom building people, but also be prepared to support and encourage others. We need to keep a spiritual perspective in our life and not be influenced by the world around us. We need to recognise God's assurance that He is always with us, whatever the circumstances, and we need to be serving God in His will for our life.
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Duration: 26 mins 12 secs
It does not matter how often you read the bible, but it does matter how you respond when reading it. It is easy to take short cuts and look for the end result rather than acting on what the bible currently challenges us to do. In this passage we see how people responded differently to Paul and Silas's preaching about Jesus. Some people accepted whilst others challenged and dimissed God's Word. Is this any different today? The message of Jesus Christ is one of hope but many will resist and not accept this hope. How do you respond to the Word of God? As Christians we are responsible to tell others about the good news of Jesus but we are not responsible for the end results. Our mission is to plant the seeds and then allow God to handle the growth.
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Duration: 33 mins 16 secs
It is easy for us to close the door on people who have ideas that do not resonate with us. We see in the early part of this passage how some of the church leaders struggled with how the Gentiles could come to a true faith in Jesus without following the law of Moses, the test of such compliance being circumcision. Peter, Paul, Barnabas and James highlight that there is no difference in God's eyes between Jew and Gentile. What distracts us and stops us from focusing on our call to share Jesus with others?
Sunday, 07 June 2015
Duration: 26 mins 50 secs
Paul describes himself, when he was Saul, as a Hebrew of Hebrews - he had all the right qualities of being a great Jewish leader including being a Roman citizen. He saw persecuting Christians as upholding the law of God. Saul's view of God's Kingdom was very narrow, limited to the nation of Israel. He was ignorant in his unbelief, but Jesus elected to save him. Because of the persecutions of the Christians, many were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Philip is an example of one of those who took the opportunity to spread the gospel and good news of Jesus to the people of Samaria - a natural enemy of Israel. Where is God leading you to reach out to those in our society that don't quite fit in? Who are the people in our life that need to know about the gospel and love of Jesus?
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Duration: 39 mins 44 secs
Do we know the people in our neighbourhood? How do we as a church or as individuals connect with them? In this passage we see a man who was lame from birth ask Peter and John for money as they entered the temple to pray. With no money to give, Peter was able to give this man much more, the ability to walk again! Jesus' name was used as a name of authority, power and reputation. His name was one of salvation and healing for the lame man that money could not buy. How do we see the people around us, through our eyes or through the eyes of Jesus. We need to show the love of Christ to the people we come across in our everyday life and be prepared to share the gospel with them when the opportunity arises.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Duration: 37 mins 28 secs
You've probably heard the ancient Chinese proverb that says "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". In choosing to follow Jesus, the disciples took a first step, leaving their jobs and families behind to become His disciples. In Acts 2, we see how far they've come. They started out as unlearned fishermen and tax collectors, and now at Pentecost, with the coming of the Holy Spirit, they stand declaring the gospel in foreign languages that the people gathered understood. Peter is quick to proclaim that this is God's power at work in them. He then points the people to Jesus, showing how what they are witnessing is a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies brought about through Jesus. Finally he brings people to Jesus by calling them to repentance and baptism. It's one thing for a person to have understanding about Jesus, but it's not until they meet Him, repent, accept and follow Him that their lives are transformed. It's clear from this passage that we cannot carry out God's mission in our own strength. We are called however to make a first step towards helping someone encounter Jesus. And then another. And then another. As Samwise Gamgee put it, "If I take one more step, it will be the farthest away from home I've ever been." That's where Jesus is leading us. All we have to do is follow.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Duration: 33 mins 26 secs
Jesus’ command was for us to go to all the nations and teach them everything He commanded, but we can’t do this alone. The ‘you’ in the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and in Jesus’ final command to His disciples on earth (Acts 1:8) is a collective ‘you’. It for all disciples of Jesus to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth, and we are to do this in unity. Similarly, in Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus says we are collectively the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt preserves and adds flavour, while light brings warm and comfort. This is who we are. For us to live out the great commission we must first start with prayer. Prayer for us as a church reaching out into our community and prayer for those who God has placed on our heart individually. Evangelism becomes powerful when it becomes personal.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Duration: 40 mins 45 secs
This passage is often referred as the Great Commission. Jesus indicates that He has all authority in heaven and earth. This was shown throughout His ministry on earth through His teaching, His power to heal people, His power over nature, His authority to forgive sins, His power over death and His power over satan. As Christians we know that Jesus has this authority. We need to trust in Him and step out and act under His authority in whatever circumstances that we face in our life as we witness to others about the love of Jesus. We don't need to do this in our own strength because Jesus gives us the ability and is always with us. What is it that you need to be doing to carry out this Great Commission?